What is RIA coin ?
- 2019.01.08
- RIA coin
RIA coin is a key currency at TRIAM Network, which is already listed at crypto currency exchanges.
*What is TRIAM Network? -> Click here
Let’s see the overall of this platform and TRAIM Network as below.
As high-performance tokens can be issued at low cost on TRIAM Network, it can be expected lots of companies, organizations and even individuals (A, B, C … at above) all over the world will request to issue their original token (In fact, some tokens have been already issued).
However, in order to issue tokens, you are required to buy (hold) the same amount of RIA coin as the amount of your issuing token.
In other words, the more token will be issued, the more RIA coin will be purchased. This means when the company which issues a big amount of tokens will participate to TRIAM Network, the price of RIA will also rise!
In terms of this roll, RIA coin is called “a key currency of TRIAM Network”.
I (author) believe that RIA is taking an equal role with gold at the gold standard time. This means, nowadays lots of countries issue banknotes as they like, but originally, bank used to issue the same amount of banknotes as the amount of gold.
So, I assume many of you start thinking to buy RIA, don’t you? In my personal opinion, the price of RIA (0.25 JPY, as of December 02, 2018) is extremely cheap yet.
For your infomation, you can buy RIA coin at KEX Exchange : here
So, let’s get excited for RIA coin!