2. Green Box Wallet

Here is a table of contents about Green Box Wallet (the red circled part below).

“Wallet” is a digital wallet that you can keep, deposite and transfer your crypto currency.

Green Box Wallet will enable you to exchange CP (chat point) that you got in ROBION Chat, into GBT (crypto currency).
*What’s GBT?  : here

1. Resister at Green Box Wallet

(1) Open Your Green Box Wallet : here
Unlike other popular wallets, Green Box Wallet loads a wide variety of functions. You can keep and transfer not only GBT, also a variety of token issued on TRIAM Network.

2. Set Up Initial Setting

(1) Display & Storage Secret Keyhere
Secret Key is the most important information to keep with you. Like all other wallets, if your secret key is leaked to someone, you’ll have a possibility that all about your wallet would be stolen. Please take extra care to keep your secret key.

(2) Change Your Password : here
If you use the updated password, not an initial one, you’ll get higher confidential.  So, once you resister ar Green Box Wallet, let’s change your password into new one!

(3) Unlock Your Account : here
When you change your password, you may encounter an account lock. While your account is locked, you cannot do any operation. To reactivet your wallet, you need to unlock your account.

3. Use Green Box Wallet

(1) Trust Your Token : here
“Trust a token” refers to activating the token in your wallet you want to keep or transfer.  As explained later, “token” is a crypto currency issued on crypto currency platform, such as GBT on TRIAM Network.

(2) Make Remittance : here
Let’s learn the basic function of deposite/transfer your coin (crypto currency).

4. Get & Use GBT

(1) Exchange CP into GBT : here
Once you open your Green Box Wallet, let’s exchange CP to GBT!

(2) Play with Contents : here
Once you get GBT, let’s play and shop at various of contents!

5. Set Up Advanced Setting

(1) Create Plural Wallets : here
In Green Box Wallet, you can create more than one wallet. Each wallet has different address, and you can manage them with different detailed settings.

(2) Set Up Multi-Signature Wallet : here
“Multi-Signature (multisig)” refers to requiring more than one key to authorize your account. With use a multisig, you can get higher confidential.

(3) Reset Two-Step Authentication : here
For example, when you change your smartphone, you may not able to log in to your wallet unless you reset your original two-step authentication. This is because if you no longer use your old smartphone which installed the app for authentication, you need to set up again to new smartphone. So, let’s have clear point on this topic!

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